
The Barrier of Perception

The Barrier of Perception

Our problem is not with sight.  With today's advancements in eye-care technology, most of us can see.

Our problem is not with vision.  We've all got a "vision", a dream, a goal of what we think things ought to look like.

Our problem is perception.  We see, but we do not perceive.  We have vision, but our dreams are far too small.

Like the blind man in Bethsaida, we have been touched by Jesus, we have the faith to see, but the people still look like trees…

The Barrier of Insufficiency

The Barrier of Insufficiency

In Mark 6, we read that Jesus sent out the Twelve.  In Luke's 10, we find 72.  Yet no matter how many disciples Jesus sends out on any given occasion, the outcome is the same.  How is it that they can go into the villages with nothing but walking sticks and the clothes on their backs and return with declarations of incredible spiritual victory. "Lord, even the demons submit themselves to us in your name" (Luke 10:17).

"The early church had no building, no money, and no political influence. And they turned the world upside-down"

J.D. Greear …

The Barrier of Distraction

The Barrier of Distraction

While Jesus was still speaking with her, messengers came from the synagogue leader’s house, saying to Jairus, “Your daughter has died. Why bother the teacher any longer?

Mark 5:35

I don't know about you, but I must confess, I get frustrated when other people are late.  When I am waiting on someone else to complete their portion of a project so that I can do my part, I get very anxious because I want to do my part on my timeline, not theirs.  I tend to run life ahead of schedule to alleviate stress, but working with procrastinators sometimes forces me to delay the schedule I have set up for myself.

There are two key scenes in the gospels where Jesus is "running late" and on both occasions, his delay is literally a matter of life and death…

The Barrier of Inconvenience

The Barrier of Inconvenience

Then they pleaded with Jesus to leave their region.

Mark 5:17

We know about Jesus calming the storm.  We know how Jesus healed the demoniac and sent the demons fleeing into the pigs.  But what do these two stories have to do with each other?

After crossing the sea on that stormy night, Jesus finds himself in a position to minister to the 10 Gentile cities of the Decapolis.  Of course there were mixed feelings among the disciples about the Gentiles in general, but either way, there is significant potential here for spreading the Good News of the Kingdom among countless people who have not heard.  What strikes me is how quickly Jesus gets back in the boat to go home…

The Barrier of Reputation

The Barrier of Reputation

Those whom we call “sinners”, God calls “beloved.” Those whom we call “tax collectors”, Jesus calls “friend.”

I find it striking that Jesus never refers to people as “sinners.” This does not mean that people do not sin, nor does it excuse their sin. What it does imply is that people are not ultimately identified or defined by their sin. As Jesus said, let the one who is without sin cast the first stone…

The Barrier of Relationships

The Barrier of Relationships

It’s all about people. It’s always been about people. When it comes to people, there’s only one thing that really matters.

  • Every person is created in the image of a God who deeply loves him or her.

    • I am created in the image of a God who deeply loves me.

    • You are created in the image of a God who deeply loves you.

    • Your neighbor is created in the image of a God who deeply loves him or her.

    • Your enemy is created in the image of a God who deeply loves him or her.

Get the point yet? …

… Relationships matter.

Love of one another bridges the barrier between us and a loving God.