
Cultivating Kingdom Values - Part 4: Abundance

Cultivating Kingdom Values - Part 4: Abundance

…We often look at this miracle of Jesus feeding the 5,000 and celebrate how he saved the day. So long as Jesus is around, we have nothing to worry about. He’ll fix it. He’ll take care of it. If he won’t send them away, he can feed all the people.

The only trouble is that’s not exactly what happens in the text. Jesus doesn’t send them away and Jesus doesn’t technically feed all those people.

Instead, we read in verse 16, “Jesus said to them, ‘They need not go away; you give them something to eat.’”

“Whoa. Hold up now preacher. What do you mean telling us to do it. That’s what we pay you for?”

“We have nothing here except five loaves of bread and two fish,” they reply. “What do you expect us to do?”…

The Barrier of Insufficiency

The Barrier of Insufficiency

In Mark 6, we read that Jesus sent out the Twelve.  In Luke's 10, we find 72.  Yet no matter how many disciples Jesus sends out on any given occasion, the outcome is the same.  How is it that they can go into the villages with nothing but walking sticks and the clothes on their backs and return with declarations of incredible spiritual victory. "Lord, even the demons submit themselves to us in your name" (Luke 10:17).

"The early church had no building, no money, and no political influence. And they turned the world upside-down"

J.D. Greear …