
This year for Lent, I invite you to join me in meditating on the Passion Narrative of Christ. Where do you find yourself in the story? What impact does the cross have on your everyday life?

Take some time to read slowly through the passages listed for each week. What is the Spirit speaking to your heart? What “wonderings” arise within you? How is God calling you to respond?

I offer my own simple reflections (100 words or less), just to get us started…


Luke 22:1-23; Matthew 27:1-10

“My betrayer is with me, his hand is on the table.” (1)

Who could it be? Surely not I?

Does Judas not live in us?

We want a conquering commander in chief,
not a suffering servant.

If Jesus won’t do what it takes
to put God’s people back on the throne,
someone must force his hand.
If he is truly the chosen one, no harm will come.

Condemned to die?
This was not the plan.
“I have sinned.
I betrayed an innocent man.” (2)

Oh Lord, as I hang from this tree,
can there be, mercy still reserved for me?

(1) Luke 22:21
(2) Matthew 27:4

A Beautiful Rendition of “Depth of Mercy”

A 40 Song Playlist for Lent

I compiled this playlist for Lent last year and the songs are still just as powerful today. Enjoy…

A 40 Song Soundtrack for Lent