He Carries It For All

This year for Lent, I invite you to join me in meditating on the Passion Narrative of Christ. Where do you find yourself in the story? What impact does the cross have on your everyday life?

Take some time to read slowly through the passages listed for each week. What is the Spirit speaking to your heart? What “wonderings” arise within you? How is God calling you to respond?

I offer my own simple reflections (100 words or less), just to get us started…


Luke 23:26-43

How did things get so bad?
Why do the innocent suffer?

“Don’t cry for me, but for yourselves and your children.”

Lord, save us!  Destroy our enemies!
Why won’t you do something?

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

We did this. His blood stains our hands.
We deserve to die.

“Today you will be with me in paradise.”

We are the weeping daughters of Jerusalem.

We are the mocking soldiers.

We are the repentant criminal.

We fashion the cross for others.

We deserve the cross ourselves.

He carries it for all.

A 40 Song Playlist for Lent

I compiled this playlist for Lent last year and the songs are still just as powerful and relevant today. Enjoy…

A 40 Song Soundtrack for Lent